Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Cartoons and Comics


About me...

The Fotojet site is good for collages, and formal documents (invitations, etc), but you can’t create an actual comic strip.  The site also limits you if you don’t have a paid subscription.  I downloaded my comic collage above, but I couldn’t share the link. 



How to open a bank account:

I like Pixton’s ability to actually make a comic strip. You can control your background, characters, and conversation.  The problem is you can’t save or share it without a paid account.  I snipped these pictures of the comic I created.  If students are willing to do that, then it is great!




By far my favorite!  I had such fun creating this comic.  Kids would love to turn in assignments in this format.  It is so creative!   It was easy to use and gives you lots of choices on starters, characters, backgrounds, etc.


I would share comics with my teacher-colleagues by creating a weekly or biweekly strip of useful information about technology, books, etc. that they could use in the classroom or pass on to their students (like the examples above). The makebeliefscomixs was very easy to insert into this document or you can email them from the site. 


  1. I like your Makebeliefs comic! I also liked your idea of having a weekly strip to teach kids tech information. Kids are always more willing to read something when it is in comic format. I also found Makebeliefs easy to use and I think that it was really kid friendly as well.

  2. I like your enthusiasm towards comics! I think when you are excited about something then your students will be as well. I appreciate your pros and cons lists, it makes it easier for readers to quickly scope out your recommendations. Great post.

  3. Love your comics! This was my favorite module! Your students will definitely enjoy this.


Final Reflection

  This class has taught me so much about what tools are available to me on the internet.   I know students today live and breath technology....